Thinking Out of the Box

Cardboard Box house

A bitter sweet story.
My sister and her family had a flood. They live in Orange County in a home that is worth a million dollars. Actually it was worse than a flood the tankless water heater continued to spray boiling water in her home through a faulty Home Depot made in China plumbing part. She was on vacation and we were watching her pets. Daughter went to the house and initially thought smoke was coming out of the seams of the windows, but it was steam...
Total loss of contents. It's been months rebuilding. They lost an antique bedroom set that I gave her. The set was gorgeous oak made in 1880 and destroyed like most of her house.
My brother in law is a fireman, well retired fire fighter, a real good guy. Sister who is a first grade teacher has been having melt downs because they are in the house with everything a mess. Here's what her hubby build for temporary to keep her organized-
Cardboard box dresser, cardboard box night stands, and yes even vanity.
I am sharing with you a spirit of overcoming adversity with humor and creativity.
Keep your eye on simple solutions and re-use what's at hand.
We pray the insurance company treats them fairly.